

Tailored IT solutions to solve business issues and help you succeed.

We have deep experience in product innovation and help our clients meet their milestones by bringing in skilled engineers who apply advanced technologies and proven methodologies. Sakha helps customers conserve precious capital, design profitable software products, and create go-to market strategies. Sakha can partner with startup enterprises, as well as established companies, on virtually all of the disciplines required to bring a new software product to market. Our Software Product Development Services provides end-to-end product and team development from proof of concept to product maturity, live product deployments, product re-engineering, multiple product releases and go-to-market.
Are you looking at innovative ways to use data assets from within and outside your enterprise boundaries to enable business growth, improve profitability & drive competitive differentiation? We have the experience, skills and tools you require to turn your data into your core strategic asset. Big Data Analytics is our core expertise and we offer the entire spectrum of data acquisition, data ingestion, data transformation and Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Machine Learning. We have experienced resource pool in Big Data tech stacks such as Hadoop, MapReduce, Hive, MongoDB, Hortonworks, Solr, Storm, Elasticsearch, OpenNLP, Python and R.
We go beyond business intelligence by using machine learning to help you achieve business insights and customer understanding. Our data scientists work with subject matter experts and use machine learning algorithms to create predictive models that provide value-add by potentially identifying new revenue channels, providing cost savings, retaining customers / employees, and optimizing business processes. Opportunities exist to affect both top and bottom line aspects of the business. We can also help you harness your existing data with connectors to open AI solutions such as ChatGPT, Google Bard and Midjourney.
Sakha’s end-to-end BPM offerings span across the industry value chain. Sakha delivers significant business value to customers leveraging strong partnership with leading BPM product vendors, such as Pega. Dedicated Center of Excellence (CoE) with rich experience working with SMEs belonging to different product lines, deliver innovative BPM solutions and quickly build PoCs across domains leveraging our existing tools repository. Sakha also provides tailored solutions to suit customer needs and assist them in their automation journey. Contact us today to know more about how we can help you with Digital Process Automation and Workflow Solutions, and how we ensure that we address process inefficiencies and gaps to realize maximum benefits. With better visibility and control over business processes, you can improve operational efficiency and significantly reduce costs.
Our mobile app design & development services are integrated with product strategy and development, and include concepting and ideation, wireframes and user flows, UI and UX design and final polish. Our native iOS & Android app development services encompass the full process, from product strategy to App Store submission. Our project team is comprised of mobile experts who specialize in iOS & Android app design and development and have launched successful products for some of the world’s largest organizations. Our enterprise mobile app development services include both internal, employee-facing apps, as well as customer-facing applications. We offer customized services to enterprises based on specific needs, including end-to-end app development, mixed-model team integration, and staff augmentation.
We help you to explore a journey where your devices seamlessly interact with each other to gather, store, and process data. You may have a goal to boost your productivity, generate new revenue streams, enhance security or radically transform your service support – all of this becomes possible with our IoT offerings. Sakha partners with our customers to identify IoT business cases and put into place the technology to create entirely new business models and revenue streams, while reducing costs and boosting efficiency.
Blockchain-based technology could revolutionize business practices as we know them. Sakha addresses blockchain and adjacent technologies including shared ledger, distributed ledger and smart contracts. Sakha provides a host of offerings to help in the adoption, integration and realization of blockchain networks. We also bring our strength in other technology areas to complement or combine with blockchain and help amplify its value.
Sakha helps educators and corporate entities unleash the transformative power of their content as real life stories via immersive media experiences. Our expert teams combine the expertise of SMEs, IDs, App Developers, Game Designers and UI & UX Designers to create an exhilarating technology experience. We have worked extensively on educational as well as corporate AR and VR experiences.

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