
From Gridlock to Smooth Ride: The Success Story of Singapore’s Smart Parking App and Messenger Bot


The City of Singapore faced numerous challenges with its traditional parking system, such as traffic congestion, wastage of time, and increased air pollution. Moreover, finding a parking space in Singapore’s central areas is a significant challenge, and drivers frequently need to circle the block multiple times, wasting valuable time and fuel. These issues resulted in the need for a smart parking solution that could help drivers find a vacant parking spot quickly and efficiently. Sakha developed Android & iOS mobile apps as well as a Facebook Messenger Bot to address the challenges for the City of Singapore, leveraging data science.

The Challenge

Several factors warrant the need for a smart parking solution for the City of Singapore:

  • Increased population and vehicle ownership have led to a rise in the number of vehicles on the roads, leading to congestion and traffic jams.
  • Finding a parking spot in Singapore can be time-consuming and frustrating, leading to increased traffic on the roads as drivers search for a spot.
  • Lack of information on parking availability leads to uncertainty and frustration for drivers who may not know where to find a spot.
  • Traditional parking systems rely on manual data collection, leading to inaccuracies and inefficiencies in parking management.
  • There is a need to reduce the amount of time and fuel wasted by drivers looking for parking spots, which can have a negative impact on the environment.
These problems highlight the need for a smart parking solution that can provide real-time information on parking availability, reduce search time for drivers, and increase the efficiency of parking management.


To address the problems, Sakha developed a smart parking solution that leverages Open Data. The solution involved building a mobile application and Facebook Messenger Bot, which uses Machine Learning algorithms to predict the availability of parking slots at the current time and possible future demand through analysis of historical & actual parking patterns. Some of the features of the smart parking solution app and messenger bot included:

  • Real-time availability of parking slots in the city
  • Parking slot reservation through the app and messenger bot
  • Integration with government open data to display availability of parking slots
  • Machine Learning algorithms to predict parking slot availability and future demand
  • Navigation assistance to the nearest available parking slot
  • Coupon parking discounts for registered users
  • Integrated payment gateway for cashless payment of parking fees
  • Ability to view and manage parking history and payment details
  • Personalized notifications on parking availability and coupon discounts
  • Multi-language support for tourists and non-English speaking residents
To predict parking slot availability and future demand, Linear Regression technique was used. Linear regression is a type of statistical modeling technique used to analyze the relationship between a dependent variable (in this case, the availability of parking slots) and one or more independent variables (such as time of day, day of the week, and weather conditions). Historical data on parking slot availability and relevant independent variables were collected and used to train the model. This involved selecting and preprocessing the data, as well as selecting appropriate features and labels for the training data. Once the model was trained, it was used to make predictions about the availability of parking slots at a particular time in the future based on the input of independent variables such as time of day, day of the week, and weather conditions. These predictions can then be displayed in the app and messenger bot in real-time, allowing users to plan their parking accordingly. By using machine learning algorithms, the smart parking solution can provide real-time updates on parking slot availability and predict future demand, helping drivers save time and reduce frustration. Benefits of Sakha’s product include:
  • Saves time: The app and messenger bot help drivers quickly locate available parking spots, saving them time and reducing the time spent searching for a spot.
  • Reduces traffic congestion: By helping drivers find available parking spots more efficiently, the smart parking solution can help reduce traffic congestion on city streets.
  • Improves air quality: With less time spent driving around in search of parking, the smart parking solution can help reduce vehicle emissions, improving air quality in the city.
  • Increases revenue: By providing a better parking experience, the smart parking solution can encourage more people to use paid parking facilities, increasing revenue for the city.
  • Provides convenience: The app and messenger bot provide a convenient way for drivers to find parking spots and make payments, eliminating the need to carry cash or deal with parking meters.
  • Improves safety: By reducing the time spent driving around in search of parking, the smart parking solution can help reduce the risk of accidents caused by distracted driving or aggressive behavior.
  • Enhances user experience: With features such as navigation assistance and coupon parking discounts, the smart parking solution provides a more personalized and enjoyable parking experience for users.
  • Data insights: By using machine learning algorithms to analyze parking patterns, the smart parking solution can provide valuable insights to city officials on how to better manage parking infrastructure and resources.